GDSMS Alumni Reunion
" The BIG Reunion 3 "

GDSMS WAS LIKE A FAMILY by Vipul Mahadevia, Class of 77

Vipul Mahadevia belongs to the first SSC batch of GDSMS. He, along with Vidula Patel, was adjudged the Best Student of the batch. He was the Head Boy of the school in 1975 - 1976
You might be in school or you might be in college or might be in any profession, but one thing that
remains common among all of us is “Schooldays”.
Recollecting memories of school days is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you
are, the things you never want to lose. School days, I believe, are the happiest among the whole
span of human existence.
I only have good memories of GDSMS!!!!
You might be in school or you might be in college or might be in any profession, but one thing that remains common among all of us is “Schooldays”
Recollecting memories of school days is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. School days, I believe, are the happiest among the whole span of human existence.
I only have good memories of GDSMS!!!!
I hated weekends as it kept me away from school. GDSMS was all about friends, fun, sports, pranks, eating lunch boxes during classes and falling in love.
School was like my first home……..my teachers and friends my family!!!!
My most fondest memory is…….during one of the Teachers Day, as I was the Head Boy was given the charge of the Principal for that 1day and the first thing I did was to call the uniform supplier and got all the boys pants into ‘Bell Bottoms’ and all the girl’s skirts shortened by 2 inches…………of course it never happened!!
My life’s best days were the 4years I spent in GDSMS. I DEARLY MISS THOSE LOVELY DAYS